July Flowers

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The birth month flower for July is the larkspur, the common name for flowers of the genus delphinium, a flower which signifies attachment; an alternative is water lilies, which symbolizes truth and beauty.

pink delphinium, july flowers birth month flower julyThe larkspur is also known as lark’s heel (by Shakespeare, no less), lark’s claw and knight’s spur. The genus name, delphinium, comes from the Latin word delphis, meaning dolphin, which shape the opening flower makes. The larkspur symbolizes an open heart and an ardent attachment, while also conveying feelings of lightness and levity. A word or two about your color selection.

The pink larkspur signifies fickleness or haughtiness, so you should probably stay away from this color. Purple larkspur expresses first love. White larkspur signifies joyfulness and being happy-go-lucky. Scarlet, orange and blue also can be found.

blue delphinium, july flowers birth month flower julyDon’t let your pets snack on these flowers – the larkspur is poisonous, to animals and humans alike. Even today, North American ranchers delay letting cattle range on upper slopes until the late summer, when the flower is less toxic. Tiny quantities are sometimes used for medicinal purposes; in ancient times, drinking the seeds was thought to protect against the sting of scorpions. Too risky for this author!

white water lily, july flowers birth month flower julyThe alternative flower for July, is the water lily. Water lilies symbolize all that is good, true and beautiful. Good fortune, truth of action and intention, purity of heart, and enlightenment are all signified by the water lily flower. The water lily flower has strong symbolic ties with many Asian religions, particularly Hinduism and Buddhism. In addition, the white water lily is the national flower of Bangladesh and State flower for Andhra Pradesh, India, while the blue waterlily is the national flower of Sri Lanka.

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