All posts tagged bacherlor’s button

Companion Flowers for a Garden Border

Did you know that using specific flowers to create a border around your garden can benefit the plants inside the border? Certain flowers offer perks to a garden, such as keeping birds or bugs away, or bringing beneficial critters to the garden. We’ve made a list for you of some of these flowers, so you can choose ones that you think might best suit your particular situation.

In addition to protecting a garden or helping it thrive, all of the flowers on our list will bring beauty to your space.

The following are some of the top flowers to plant as border flowers:

Bachelor’s Button (Cornflower)

Bachelors’ Button is a stunning blue wildflower that has some very special qualities. In addition to looking gorgeous, its leaves release nectar even when the flowers are not blooming. This nectar has a very high sugar content (about 75 percent), which is highly attractive to butterflies, ladybugs, and beneficial wasps.

Sweet Alyssum

For a low-growing border flower, consider sweet alyssum. This highly fragrant bloom is ideal for edging flower beds because it smothers weeds that would intrude on a garden. Sweet Alyssum acts as a floral ground cover that brings in beneficial aphid-eating flower flies.


Borage is an annual herb that has bright blue clusters of flowers. These flowers are edible, so you can pluck them and toss them into salads (or decorate pastries with them). Good bugs find borage attractive, so plant these flowers if you want to bring lacewings into your garden.

In addition to these border flowers, you can plant anise hyssop, cup plant, and golden marguerite to benefit your garden. Do you have any special flowers you use to keep your garden safe and bring life to it? We’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

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