All posts tagged bird of paradise

Hawaiian Flowers

Hawaiian flowers are gorgeous flowers to give as gifts, keep in your home, or decorate a wedding venue with. They’re colorful, warm, and stunning and they offer a laid-back, welcoming attitude while also remaining quite elegant.

We love Hawaiian flowers. We think they’re perfect choices for giving to the one you love, wearing in your hair, and using as a focal point when arranging a table for a meal.

The following are some of the Hawaiian flowers that we’re especially fond of:

Hawaiian Leis

The Hawaiian people have long offered fresh Hawaiian leis as gifts of sincerity. We think giving a Hawaiian lei to a loved one, or new special acquaintance, is a beautiful idea. Hawaiian leis are traditionally made with orchids or other tropical flowers like song of India. They sometimes incorporate shells and kukui nut, and they always express love, prosperity, and peace.

Tropical Hawaiian Bouquets

If you want to give a Hawaiian bouquet, consider placing orchids, anthuriums, ginger, heliconia, and bird of paradise in it. Fresh tropical Hawaiian bouquets are easy to make, but they can also be ordered online if you don’t have access to Hawaiian blooms near you.

Flowers by the Stem

Hawaiian flowers are so stunning they can be given individually, by the stem without any greenery, to make a special statement. Some of the Hawaiian flowers we particularly love to give by themselves, standing alone in a vase or tied with a natural ribbon, include anthuriums, orchids, proteas, heliconia, and bird of paradise.

All of these Hawaiian flowers have the ability to convey a sentiment of appreciation, loyalty, love, or whatever you’d like to express. They’re ideal for any occasion, so consider giving them the next time you buy flowers for someone.

flowers to attract hummingbirds

Flowers to Attract Hummingbirds

There’s something about a hummingbird that brings joy to a moment. When we see a hummingbird, in our garden or as we’re going about our life, we take pleasure in watching the little bird’s seeming playfulness and in feeling the joy that it appears to have as it goes about its activities.

Without being inside the mind of a hummingbird, we can’t say for sure that it flits from here to there (and from flower to flower) with joy on its mind. But, it sure looks that way. In many cultures, in fact, hummingbirds do represent joy and they serve as a reminder to savor each moment.

If you love hummingbirds as much as we do, and if you want to attract them into your garden, you can plant the following flowers:


Abutilon, also called Chinese bell or Indian Mallow, is one of about 150 species of broadleaf plants in the mallow family.


A warm-climate flower, hyssop is an aromatic flowering perennial in the Lamiaceae family.


To attract hummingbirds to your warm-climate yard, plant aloe, one of approximately 500 species of flowering succulents.


Crimson, or columbine, is often found naturally in meadows and woodlands. This hummingbird-friendly flower thrives in high altitudes throughout the Northern Hemisphere.

Bird of Paradise

Did you know that there are anywhere from 70 to 165 species of Bird of Paradise? Hummingbirds love these plants, which are actually in the legume family.


Bottlebrush is a shrub that grows beautiful crimson red flowers. It’s a favorite of hummingbirds and it’s endemic to Australia.


There are nearly 100 recognized species of fuchsia, and hummingbirds adore them all.


Honeysuckle are mostly found in China, Europe, India, and North America. There are almost 180 species of this flower, which is great for the gorgeous hummingbird.

In addition to these flowers, hummingbirds regularly get nectar from bergamot, firebush, water willow, torch lily, and sage. Plant any of these floral beauties in your garden and you’ll likely have sweet birdies come visit you on a regular basis.

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