The birth month flower for September is the aster, a flower which signifies love, patience and daintiness; the alternative September birth month flower is the morning glory, symbolizing affection.
Asters are also known as Michaelmas daisies, as they blooms from late summer through to October (with the Feast of Michaelmas being September 29th). The flower predates Christian traditions, though, with the name aster coming from the Ancient Greek word for star. One look at the bold shape, and typically bright color (usually with a yellow center, the petals can be white, pink, lavender, blue and purple), and you can immediately see how appropriate the name is.
It was said, in ancient times, that burning aster leaves was a great way to keep away snakes. You can use this little snippet of flower meaning trivia when you gift a bouquet or arrangement, but be sure to let the recipient know that the reason you’re giving them is because they are are a symbol of love, patience and daintiness or elegance. Some varieties of aster grow to be over 3 ft tall, with bold blossoms reaching a foot in diameter. And yet despite the size to which they can grow, asters remain elegant and dainty, strong and gorgeous to look at. A very worthy symbol of love and high regard.
The morning glory is well-named; new funnel-shaped or trumpet-shaped blossoms flower every morning, to be pollinated by early-rising birds and industrious insects. Then, by the afternoon, the morning glory fades and dies, with new flowers appearing the next day.
The Victorians, for whom every flower had a specific meaning, thought the morning glory meant “love in vain”, but in modern times the meaning is one of genuine affection. You’ll most often see morning glory as blue, pink or purple, often with white markings. It’s another hard-working flower, the morning glory, as it’s also the flower associated with the 11th wedding anniversary.