All posts tagged butterfly weed

A Guide to Wildflowers

Even though it’s winter, and we still have our house filled with Christmas trees and holly, we’re thinking about wildflowers. Wildflowers seem to come to mind for us whenever we need a bit of a pick-me-up in spirit or a bit of encouragement of the goodness that's in the world. Lately, as we look back on 2015 and ahead to the new year, we’re thinking about the things that make us most happy so we can bring more of them into our lives. Flowers make us happy. Especially happy and cheerful-looking flowers like wildflowers, which is probably why they’re floating around in our brain right now. If you love wildflowers too, we’d like to offer you a gift for the holiday season. Take this guide to wildflowers and start planning the perfect wildflower garden for planting in spring. Or, go out and buy yourself some of these beautiful blooms from your local market or florist and enjoy them now. Continue reading [...]
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