All posts tagged cabbage

Broccoli flower

Time to Eat Broccoli Flower

Broccoli is a flowering plant belonging to the cabbage family. The plant is related to kale, cabbage, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts.

[Note: The Right Flowers is not a medical site. Knowledge of and information about the therapeutic benefits and applications of flowers, while known through the ages, does not constitute medical advice. If you are having health issues, you should consult with a physician.]

Broccoli is one of the most popular plants in gardens and a favorite vegetable in the U.S. The plant is said to have originated from a variant of wild mustard that has been modified over time. During the artificial selection process, the stem or stalk and flower buds of the mustard plant were modified, resulting in the present-day broccoli.

Broccoli is said to have been first cultivated in Italy but was introduced to the world as a vegetable in the course of colonization. It is easy to propagate via seeds or seedlings. The plant loves growing in cool but sunny spots with well-drained soil. It is therefore ideal for planting in the fall or spring.

Broccoli is an ideal source of vitamins including vitamin C, antioxidants and minerals. It is rich in calcium, iron, and folate and a good source of protein as well as fiber.

The vegetable is known to help in combating many types of cancer especially the intestinal and stomach variants. It is also good for enhancing digestion because it contains fiber. Broccoli is used to reduce cholesterol and promote good eyesight due to the presence of vitamin A.

Traditionally, the most popular part of broccoli is the green head and stalk. The head is made up of unopened florets. Broccoli’s flowerhead is surrounded by leaves and closely resembles its cousin, cauliflower. The most notable difference between the two flowerheads is that broccoli’s flowerhead is green while cauliflower is white.

Naturally, the edible green heads are harvested and eaten before the flower buds open. But occasionally, broccoli rushes to flower especially due to excess heat or drought. Additionally, if the flower buds are not harvested in time, they open up resulting in bright yellow blossoms. Most people usually give up, cut off the flowers and dispose them off believing they are not edible. But in the real sense, these flowers are as edible as the unopened flower buds.

Broccoli flowers are highly delicious and can be cooked or eaten raw. The flowers are delicate and tend to wilt when cooked, so they are better off eaten raw or lightly steamed.

The flowers have a pleasant, mild peppery flora flavor with subtle honey notes. They go well with smoked meats, red pepper, onion, ham, potatoes, and cheese.

Now, if you were like most people who thought flowering broccoli is not edible, you now know better. So its time to start eating broccoli flowers.

Cauliflower is good for your brain and heart

Cauliflower: Good for Your Brain and Heart

Cauliflower is an annual plant belonging to the cabbage family and is a close relative of kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage. It originated from Asia and spread to other regions of the world as more people discovered its edibility. Ancient records show that cauliflower has been cultivated for almost a thousand years especially in the Turkey region. The vegetable became popular in Europe in the 16th century and caught on four decades later in the US. Today, China and the US are leading producers of cauliflower.

In its early stages, cauliflower looks like broccoli. However, as the two plants grow, the differences begin to show. Broccoli opens outward to reveal green florets while cauliflower curls inwards to form a tight flowerhead. The tiny white florets are protected from direct sunlight by leaves surrounding the head. Since chlorophyll cannot form without sunlight, the flowerhead remains white, however, some varieties have purple, orange or green flowerheads.

The purple and orange varieties are said to develop their unique colors due to the presence of anthocyanins while the green variety is said to have been crossbred with broccoli. Anthocyanins are flavonoids that give plants purple, red, orange and red colors.

Cauliflower thrives in clay-like, mildly acidic but fertile soil. It requires sufficient watering and sunlight for optimal growth and flowering.

Though cauliflower’s leaves are edible, it’s the white florets in a tightly packed head that the plant is known for. The florets can be eaten raw, stir-fried, added to soups or cooked.

Normally, cauliflower gives off a strong odor when cooking just like other vegetables in the cruciferous family. The pungent smell results from the presence of sulfur compounds in these vegetables known as glucosinolates.

Cauliflower is not among the blossoms that are considered pretty. However, in spite of its seemingly bland appearance, the flowerhead is highly nutritious and is considered among the most nutritious plants on the planet. It is an ideal source of vitamin C, folate, and vitamin K.

Vitamins C and K are antioxidants that neutralize the effect of free radicals which are compounds that damage normal cells and contribute to the development of conditions such as cancer and cardiovascular problems. Folate helps in cell development and metabolism. The flower also contains fiber which enhances digestion and promotes weight loss.

Apart from antioxidants, cauliflower is famous for containing choline, an important nutrient that is required by the body for neurodevelopment. While the body is known to make a little choline, most of it comes from the food you eat.

Though choline is utilized by the body for many other functions, it is mostly known for boosting cognitive abilities. Studies have shown that consumption of choline during pregnancy supercharges the brain activity of animals in the uterus. Some schools of thought seem to hold that choline may help in reducing the possibility of developing age-related memory loss.

Cauliflower may look bland compared to popular flowers such as roses but this plant packs a powerful nutritional punch compared to its good-looking rivals.

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