All posts tagged peony flowers

Peonies health benefits: Peonies have many health benefits due to its levels of antioxidants

Peony: Bold, Beautiful And Medicinal

The peony, also known as paeony is a perennial flowering plant with a thick, knobby rootstock. It has a green, juicy stem and grows to about 3 feet high. Peonies have ternate or biternate leaves and bring forth purple-red, pink, off-white or red, large, solitary flowers that look similar to roses. Normally, peonies bloom from May to August. Among beneficial plants, it has the longest history of any flowering herb used for medicinal and aesthetic purposes. Continue reading [...]
Peonies health benefits: Peonies have many health benefits due to its levels of antioxidants

Edible Peony Flowers – How to Eat Them!

Peonies were a popular hit during the medieval time especially when they were in season. While the seeds and roots are edible, it is the flowers that are commonly used in the culinary world as they taste great and impart pink hues to foods and beverages. Continue reading [...]
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