Ranunculus are the Right Flowers for a Girl Graduating High School

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There are few things more radiant and lovely than youth and the promise it holds, except perhaps, the ranunculus flower. Despite its complicated name (you can call it “Persian Buttercup” in a pinch), this softly-swirled spring bloom is the perfect match for your lovely graduate in the springtime of her life. A bouquet of bright orange, yellow, pink or red ranunculus will look lovely held next to that high school diploma and show up beautifully in photos. Afterwards, she can admire them in a vase on her dresser for days to come as she contemplates what promise and adventure the summer and autumn of life will bring.

Ranunculus are members of the buttercup family and there are over 600 different species growing wild in temperate climates all around the world in open meadows and fields. While the native varieties are often only five-petaled, the hybrids available at florists today have an abundance of petals that are whirled around the center. Soft and delicate, these blooms have an artistic flair with a short, broad bloom and bold colors. The foliage is frilly and fern-like and looks lovely mixed with soft-textured greens such as tree fern and seeded eucalyptus.

A bouquet of ranunculus mixed with lisianthus or anemones has a fairy-like quality that will remind you of the days she ran around with wings on, but will appeal to her for its elegance and grace.

In the language of flowers, the ranunculus is said to symbolize radiance and sends the message, “I am dazzled by your charms.” She will certainly be charmed by this lovely and less-common flower choice that will send the message that you are proud of how far she’s come and excited to see what she does next.

Ranunculus bloom in late spring and early summer, meaning they will be available and less expensive right around graduation time in May or June. While they are around the same price as roses at between $2-$3 per stem, they are often sold in a bunch and many stems will have more than one large bloom, making it a great value.

A single, bold color makes a lovely statement on this important occasion and a bouquet of mixed colors adds a bit of playfulness to the day. Depending on your grad’s style, you can add a bit of frippery with ribbon and tissue paper, or go for a more natural look with brown parcel paper and a bit of twine. Whichever you decide, be sure to go for a hand-wrapped bouquet over a potted ranunculus or vase arrangement- there are too few other occasions for a woman to walk around carrying an armful of flowers, so be sure to make this special day even more memorable with a bouquet of ranunculus.

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